
Associate Professor, Parsons

The value of the DEED project is the focus on learning that happens on all levels—continuously; it recognizes and acknowledges undefined territories of teaching and learning. Everyone involved—the artisans, the students, and the faculty —contributes his/her own knowledge, agency, perspective and experience. The actual DEED project is situated in all the moments that people come together within its structure and engage in a meaningful exchange. This may occur in the classroom, during the summer intensives, in meetings with the core faculty and beyond. Thus the notion of community here is a very fluid one: DEED is not helping communities in need. DEED itself has become the context in which temporal communities emerge, all of us engaging in a multiplicity of interactions within its specific constellation.

The word community and communication are very closely related; the notion of ‘other’ may arise when communication gets obstructed, through difference in language, cultural differences and contextual differences.